Jazz from the Heart & Soul

1  Jazz Arts Service Award - For Outstanding Contribution. "Hip Bop Jazz" Categories: Composition, Production & Performance.
2. Academy for Human Development & 4-H Award - Outstanding Artist.
3. Sun Microsystems Award - Music Contribution.

4. Big Brothers and Sisters - Music support of The Children.
5. Grant Joint Union High school District Award.-Sinbad's Stay In School Seminar.
6. Clairmont   Elementary Award-Inspirational Performance Award.
7. City Of Sacramento Award-Community Service Contributions and Inspirational Music Service.
8. Mu Kappa Chapter Of AKA Award.
9. Plaza Robles High school-Music Service Award.
10. Meadowview Community Action Inc. Councilman Sam Pannell District  8 Award-Music Service and Community Contribution.

11. Two Challenge Coins received for Musical Entertainment Service.

12. Outstanding Service Award - Glen Elder Anti Drug Sports/Music festival.

13..Take Back the Park - Valverde Park Appreciation Award.

14. Dr. Rhonda E. Carroll and T.O.U.C.H. Ministries Appreciation Award.

15Meadowview Community Action Inc. recognition of Contribution and Participation.

16. Sunnet Celebrates Black History Month Award for Support and Dedication.

17. The Virnessa Lashun (Tiki) Gorman Memorial Scholarship Foundation Community Service Award.

18. Received Ph.D  June 2018